Test Code: NGX001

As many of the diagnostics tools in other areas, genomics has had a profound impact in advancing diagnosis to be as close to precision medicine in the field of clinical microbiology as possible. Current practice in clinical microbiology for infectious disease includes an in vitro culture, considered labor/skill, required, which exhibit high specificity but low sensitivity.


The road toward genomics requires casting a wide discovery net by using Whole-Genome Sequencing (WGS) metagenomics has some challenges but great rewards. WGS and metagenomic analysis directly from the patient’s sample has been aiding in producing essential information toward formulating a clinical metagenomic-dependent protocol and help identify disease causes within hours.


Rapid and accurate discovery of the infectious agents is a need that has not been locally or globally met yet and many protocols are still under observation. This screening test will be made available to address difficult and unknown source of infection and may help guide the treatment/prevention strategies in a clinical setting.

Next Generation Sequencing

Peripheral Blood

Requirements: Collect 3 ml – 5 ml of whole blood in EDTA (purple top tube), minimum 1 ml for small infants.

Shipping: DO NOT FREEZE. Include a frozen ice pack in the shipping container. Place a paper towel or other thin material between the ice pack and the blood tube. At room temperature, a blood specimen is stable for up to 48 hours. If refrigerated, a blood specimen is stable for up to one week.

Shipping: Send specimens at room temperature and after drying.


Requirements: Send in a screw cap tube at least 5 µg -10 µg of purified DNA at a concentration of at least 100 ng/uL, minimum 2 µg for limited specimens. Indicate concentration on tube label. For requests requiring more than one test, send an additional 5 µg DNA per test ordered when possible. DNA quality should be measured at A260/280 and be >1.8 for the sample to be acceptable for processing

Extracted DNA samples can only be accepted from CAP-accredited or equivalent facilities.

Shipping: Specimens may be shipped at room temperature. Label the tube with the composition of the solute and DNA concentration along with the patient’s name, date of birth, and/or ID number. DNA must be extracted using a column-based purification technique.


Requirements:  Buccal Swab should be used according to manufacturer instructions.

Shipping: Specimens may be shipped at room temperature.

  • Standard (4-6 weeks)
  • Urgent (10 working days)

Why choose NoorDx?


Delivering results in days


Pioneering solutions in genomics testing to save lives


Providing the highest levels of patient privacy and advanced data security


Granting access to a team of expert genetics within our state-of-the-art lab